Package org.odinware.odinrunes
package org.odinware.odinrunes
ClassDescriptionThe Context class represents the context in which the GPT request is made.The CapturedData class represents a piece of data captured from the user's input.The
class is responsible for constructing a valid HTTP request to the Google Gemini API via GCP's VertexAI for chat completions.TheGooglePalm2WellsOfWisdomOverVertexAI
class is responsible for constructing a valid HTTP request to the Google Palm2 API via GCP's VertexAI for chat completions.The GptOpsHelper class provides utility methods for building requests to chat-based language processing models, regardless of the specific GPT provider.The GraphicalInteractionsHelper class provides methods for capturing and interacting with graphical elements on the screen.The Main class is the entry point of the application.TheOllamaWellsOfWisdom
class is responsible for constructing a valid HTTP request to the Ollama API for chat completions.TheOllamaWellsOfWisdom
class is responsible for constructing a valid HTTP request to the OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo API for chat completions.The TextHelper class provides utility methods for working with text files.The WellsOfWisdom interface represents a builder for creating a HTTP request object used for making API requests.