Class OllamaWellsOfWisdom

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OllamaWellsOfWisdom extends Object implements WellsOfWisdom
The OllamaWellsOfWisdom class is responsible for constructing a valid HTTP request to the Ollama API for chat completions. It implements the WellsOfWisdom interface.

Before building the request, it takes a provided context, messages, and GPT settings, and constructs a JSON payload with the appropriate format required by the Ollama API.

Once the request is built, it includes the appropriate headers and authentication information. It returns the constructed request object.

  • Constructor Details

    • OllamaWellsOfWisdom

      public OllamaWellsOfWisdom()
  • Method Details

    • buildRequest

      public okhttp3.Request buildRequest(Context context, org.json.JSONArray odinMessages, org.json.JSONObject gptSettingsJsonObject) throws Exception
      Constructs an HTTP request to the Ollama API using the provided context and messages.
      Specified by:
      buildRequest in interface WellsOfWisdom
      context - The context containing captured data.
      odinMessages - The messages exchanged between the user and the assistant.
      gptSettingsJsonObject - The settings for the GPT model.
      A built HTTP request object, or null if no new prompt is present.
      Exception - If there is an error while building the request.
    • executeRequest

      public okhttp3.Response executeRequest(okhttp3.Request request)
      Description copied from interface: WellsOfWisdom
      Executes a HTTP request and returns the Response object.
      Specified by:
      executeRequest in interface WellsOfWisdom
      request - The context containing captured data and user options.
      A built HTTP response object, or null if no response.
    • readFromResponseStream

      public String readFromResponseStream(okhttp3.Response response)
      Description copied from interface: WellsOfWisdom
      Reads from the Response object.
      Specified by:
      readFromResponseStream in interface WellsOfWisdom
      response - The response object.
      A string generated by the gpt provider and read from the HTTP response object.